Posted by DeanPaulson

Recently I read an article by Charlie McCollum from the San Jose Mercury News in which he was reviewing the movie and story behind “The Social Network”.  The director of the movie is a gentleman named Sorkin.

Apparently the movie does not paint a very favorable picture of the founder of Facebook.  The founder of Facebook has disputed the claims made by others which are depicted in the movie.  Apparently several other people claim he stole their idea.  Now certainly stealing and dishonesty are morally wrong and concerning. I have not researched the evidence regarding the truth so I cannot comment on that.

However, listen to what Sorkin (the movies director) says when he is questioned about what really was the truth regarding the situation.

“Sorkin suggested that ‘there is no single truth, there were multiple truths’ to the Facebook story”. “’There were two lawsuits brought against him (Facebook’s founder) at roughly the same time. The plaintiffs and witnesses all came into the deposition room and they all swore an oath and all told three different versions of the story’”.

What is so concerning with what Sorkin is saying is that most of our culture would agree with him.  That there was three true but different and contradicting versions of the same story.  The problem of course is that this is impossible.  Three contradicting but all three true versions of the same events? Somebody was wrong.  If people’s stories or the presentation of facts conflict with each other they cannot all be true.

This has crucial implications for our Christian faith.  Any given text in the Bible can only have one meaning and that is the meaning of the author.  Another implication is that when we are dealing with events, especially events that occur between people we must seek for the truth.  Did someone actually sin towards another or is it just perception?  Can we actually know what the truth is in any given situation?  The Bible says yes. 

A retired police office once shared this with me.  When they were called into domestic disputes he said the officers realized that there were four versions of what happened. There was the man’s version of what happened and then the women’s version of what happened.  Then there was the perspective of the officers and what they thought happened.  Then there was what really happened.  As a Christian my desire should be set on knowing the truth because God is truth.  While there may be many perspectives and perceptions there can only be one truth to scripture and one truth to the events that occur around us.